Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, Mark Twain, Kate Chopin, O’Henry

Експрес – тест по біографіях американських письменників і поетів: Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, Mark Twain, Kate Chopin, O’Henry

Who did the following?

  1. Emily Dickinson        2. Walt Whitman     3. Mark Twain    4. Kate Chopin     5. O’Henry


a) started writing while in prison

b) showed the relationships between adults and children

c) described women  dissatisfied with their role in the society

d) was exceptionally original in works experimenting with grammar, punctuation, and cutting sentences

e) was criticized during lifetime and is highly appreciated nowadays

f) abandoned conventional rhyme and meter in his/ her  woks

g) portrayed people who lived and worked in a big city

h) published only 10 works during his/her lifetime

i) described the adventures which really happened to him/her  or his/her peers

j) employed progressive techniques while teaching