Підсумкові тестові завдання «Американська література 20 ст.»

American Literature Exit TestListen to the extract from ” Sister Carrie’ by Theodore Dreiser and mark true(T) and false(F) sentences.

  1.  Caroline’s baggage consisted of a big suitcase, a cheap handbag, a small lunch in a paper bag, and a leather wallet.
  2.  Caroline Meeber was nineteen.
  3.  She was going to Columbia City.
  4.  Her sister lived in Chicago.
  5.  Her family called her Sister Carrie.
  6.  Her eyes reflected self-interest.
  7.  She was a good example of the upper American class of that time.
  8.  Sister Carrie dreamed of her future education.
  9. She was conscious of a man behind her.
  10.  Caroline felt he was observing her mass of hair.

Listen to the text and choose the correct item.

Her purse contained her ticket, a… of paper with her sister’s address in Chicago, and four dollars.

a) a piece              b) slip                    c) a sheet

She was eighteen years old, bright, timid, and full of the …ofignorance and youth.

a) hopes         b) dreams                 c) illusions

Her thoughts at parting were not…  .

a) distressing                    b) regretful                   c) grievous

 She …  the green landscape, now passing in quick review.

    a) watched         b) stared at           c) looked at

Her self-interest was not …  but it was, however, her guiding characteristic.

     a) strong             b) powerful           c) great

That was a …  of the travelling salesman for a manufacturing house.

      a) model            b) type                      c) pattern

  1. Match the names of the writers with the titles of their books. One title is extra.

     1.  A Farewell to Arms.                                        A. Theodore Dreiser

  1. The Financier                                                  B. Francis Scott Fitzgerald
  2. On the Road                                                    C. William Faulkner
  3. The Great Gatsby                                          D. Ernest Hemingway
  4. An American Tragedy                                 E. Ray Bradbury
  5. I’m Nobody                                                    F. Isaac Azimov
  6. The Marcian Chronicles                             G. Jack Kerouac
  7. Intruder in the Dust
  8. Rain, Rain, Go Away
  9. The Bear

Who did this? Match the names of the writers to the actions below.

А. T. Dreiser                          B. F. S. Fitzgerald                 C. W. Faulkner              D. Ernest Hemingway         E. R. Bradbury                     F. I.  Azimov                 G. J. Kerouac

  1. Came with his parents from Russia when he was 3, taught biochemistry at Boston University, created astounding science-fiction and fantasy stories.
  2. Supported the working-class movement in America and joined the Communist Party of the USA at the end of his life.
  3. Introduced the term ” the Beat Generation” and belonged to “Beatniks”, a movementwhich appeared in American literature in the late 50-s.
  4. Created Yoknapatawpha county with its capital city and other places where he settled the characters of his books.
  5. Actively supported the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War,and was a war correspondent in Europe during  World War II.
  6. Won world-wide recognition as a science fiction writer and excelled himself as the author of TVand radio plays.
  7. Belonged to the American writers of the lost generation for whom ” all the battles have been fought” and “all the gods were dead”.

Reading the extracts from the books of the above-mentioned writers you came across various idioms, phrases and collocations. Read the following sentences from the extracts and fill in the gaps with the most appropriate word from the box.

        Crackled  notice  monkey  toothpick  touch  dog’s  squeezed

  1. Poor man! He leads a …… life.
  2. I came into her room half an hour before the bridal dinner and found her lying on bed as drunk as a ….  .
  3. She took  the letter into the tub with her  and …..  it  up into a wet ball.
  4. The pine wood ….  and  sparkled.
  5. Seneca Davis had not taken much … of Henry Cowperwood and his family.
  6. ” Keep in … with me”, said Seneca Davis to his sister one day.
  7. That weapon workable, efficient and well-cared for yet as unique as the gold … , which had probably been the pride of Lucas Beauchamp.

Crackled  notice  monkey  toothpick  touch  dog’s  squeezed

  1. Poor man! He leads a …… life.
  2. I came into her room half an hour before the bridal dinner and found her lying on bed as drunk as a ….  .
  3. She took  the letter into the tub with her  and …..  it  up into a wet ball.
  4. The pine wood ….  and  sparkled.
  5. Seneca Davis had not taken much … of Henry Cowperwood and his family.
  6. ” Keep in … with me”, said Seneca Davis to his sister one day.
  7. That weapon workable, efficient and well-cared for yet as unique as the gold … , which had probably been the pride of Lucas Beauchamp.